BJP workers celebrated Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay’s birth anniversary on Wednesday under the leadership of BJP leader and state secretary Sanjeev Khanna at the party office Zirakpur under Mandal 2 of Derabassi. First of all, the party workers present paid tribute to Deendayal Upadhyay by garlanding his picture. Later, Sanjeev Khanna threw light on his biography and said that Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay set the highest standards of personal purity and dignity. He has been the ideological guide of the Bharatiya Janata Party.” He appealed to learn from his nationalism and sacrifice everything for the country’s welfare.
Sanjeev Khanna said that due to his vision, villages, poor, farmers and women became part of the agenda of political parties.
The vision of life that Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay gave to Indian politics through his thoughts 60-70 years ago, his contemplation and contemplation can be seen even today not only in Indian democracy, but also in various programs started by political parties.
He said that Deendayal ji also worked in major magazines like ‘Rashtradharma’, ‘Panchjanya’ and ‘Organizer’. On this occasion Pradeep Sharma, Sudhir Kantiwal, Anuj Agarwal, Sunil Wig, Ramit Salwan, Ashok Singla, Rana ji, Usha Goyal, Umesh, Randhe Shyam, Rakhi, Baljeet Kaur and others paid tribute.
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