With the assistance of the Cyber Crime police in the Outer North district, Delhi Police announced on Wednesday that a defrauded amount of over Rs 1 crore has been refunded to multiple victims who fell prey to online financial fraud this year.
Police revealed that victims were targeted in various types of fraud, including task fraud, courier parcel fraud, loan fraud, job fraud, OTP fraud, hospital appointment fraud, customer care number fraud, UPI fraud, and others.
“The Outer North District acted proactively, facilitating the refund of over Rs 1 crore to victims of online cyber fraud this year. The Cyber Crime Police Station (Outer North) successfully linked more than 20,000 cases and complaints nationwide in coordination with I4C using the JMIS portal,” stated the police.
Highlighting a successful refund case, the police provided details: “A cancer patient filed an NCRP complaint, alleging fraud in the name of a hospital appointment in Shalimar Bagh, New Delhi. The cyber criminals defrauded the complainant of an amount of Rs 1,00,000.”
“In this regard, FIR 29/23 U/S 420 IPC was registered. During the investigation, based on technical leads, a suspect was arrested, and the defrauded amount was refunded to the victim,” added the press release.
According to the press release, a Dubai-based NRI arrived in Delhi to secure admission for her daughter to Delhi Technological University. “He sought to obtain the bank passbook of her daughter and searched for a customer care number on a search engine. Upon calling the number, the person on the other side posed as a customer care personnel.