Dera Sacha Sauda chief Ram Rahim has kept his distance from social media this time after coming out on parole from Rohtak’s Sunaria Jail. Ram Rahim is not coming live on social media this time. While a live broadcast by Dera leaders is being continued from the Barnawa Ashram in UP, it is only being done for the Sirsa Dera Sacha Sauda.
In such a situation, this time there is a message to Ram Rahim’s followers that if they want to listen to the satsang of the head of the Dera, they should only come to the Ashram where the Dera leader is spending his time after being granted parole.
Dera supporters listening to discourses on social media have been disappointed by the fact that Ram Rahim’s live messages to his followers on YouTube and Facebook channel have been paused for the time being.
This is why Dera disciples have been listening to the leader’s satsang only after reaching the Sirsa Dera. Since being out on parole, Ram Rahim has done five satsangs so far. On the other hand, in UP’s Barnawa Ashram, only the followers who have been assigned duties at the location are being given entry. Dera Sacha Sauda leader Ram Rahim came out of jail on 20 July. As soon as he came out, he uploaded a video of himself on social media, in which he prays to God to save him from the havoc of the flood. Also, Dera lovers were given a message to take care of themselves while participating in relief and rescue work, but this time Ram Rahim did not share any video with his adopted daughter Honeypreet. There is no new video with Ram Rahim on all the social media accounts of Honeypreet. Ram Rahim has been out on parole thrice till now and has stayed in UP’s Barnawa Ashram. This month amounts to the fourth time that the Dera leader was given parole. Last time on parole, Ram Rahim had uploaded several videos to his social media handles, including early morning walk, horse riding, organic farming, but the Dera chief has been avoiding social media this time. Ram Rahim was gr. He has got 30 days parole. Ram Rahim’s birthday is on 15th August. Ram Rahim will come out of jail for the first time and celebrate his birthday at Barnawa Ashram in UP. This time the Dera is planning to make this birthday a memorable one. Every year Dera lovers plant saplings on Ram Rahim’s birthday.
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