Those living in unauthorised colonies in Delhi were victims of the “dirtiest” politics by opposition parties, Chief Minister and AAP national convener Arvind Kejriwal said on Thursday after inaugurating development works in Om Vihar Phase V in west Delhi.
In every election, AAP’s rival parties went to the people in unauthorised colonies with promises but did nothing for them afterwards, Kejriwal said, citing his government’s work for them.
“Till 2014, there were roads in only 262 colonies. After I came to power, 850 colonies were provided with roads,” he said, adding that by December 2024, roads will be constructed in all the unauthorised colonies in Delhi.
The chief minister, despite having “high fever”, visited people in Om Vihar, and the men and women watching him from rooftops and their balconies was proof that he has earned a lot of love from them, Urban Development Minister Saurabh Bhardwaj said. Citing the schools constructed by the Delhi government, Kejriwal said that if children remain uneducated, they cannot reach the moon and congratulated people on the successful landing of Chandrayaan-3 on the lunar surface on Wednesday. “When our children study, they will be able to go to the moon. If they remain uneducated, how will they reach the moon? Kejriwal asked.
Kejriwal said that as an educated person, his only concern was doing work for the people, no matter how much politics was done by other parties. “We will do a lot of work, no matter how much politics they do. We will not fight with them. I am an educated person and just know how to work. I will ask for your votes only after doing work for you,” Kejriwal said.