Opposition MPs sent a letter to Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla on Monday, cautioning they may “dissociate” from the joint parliamentary committee on Waqf Bill amendments if their concerns go unaddressed. They accused the committee’s Chair, BJP MP Jagadambika Pal, of acting unilaterally by setting meeting dates and scheduling consultations without consensus, which they allege is an attempt to rush the Waqf (Amendment) Bill through without sufficient debate.

The proposed amendments, introduced in August, were sent to the Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC) following strong resistance from opposition members and even some BJP allies. Since then, committee meetings have seen walkouts and protests from opposition MPs over procedural disagreements.

Tensions escalated last month when an exchange between Trinamool MP Kalyan Banerjee and BJP’s Abhijit Gangopadhyay turned confrontational, with Banerjee smashing a glass bottle after reportedly being insulted. Banerjee later accused Chairperson Pal of favoring Gangopadhyay.

Opposition MPs also questioned the relevance of certain groups invited to testify, such as Odisha’s Panchasakha Bani Prachar, arguing they lack a stake in the Waqf law debate. The committee is scheduled to hear from the Jamaat-e-Islam-e-Hind, a Shia Muslim organization, and a Muslim women’s group for the first time.

On Tuesday, the committee will consult the Akhil Bhartiya Adhivakta Parishad, a lawyers’ group linked to the RSS, the BJP’s ideological organization. Proposed Waqf Bill changes include adding non-Muslim members and requiring at least two women on the board to support Muslim women and children.

Additionally, three BJP allies, including JDU and TDP leaders, have voiced reservations about the Waqf Amendment Bill, indicating internal divisions within the ruling coalition.