Union Home Minister Amit Shah is on a visit to Chandigarh today. Union Home Minister Amit Shah inaugurated the 24×7 Manimajra Water Supply Project. Punjab Governor and Administrator of Union Territory Chandigarh Gulab Chand Kataria were also present on the occasion. Built at a cost of Rs 75 crore, the project will benefit over one lakh residents of Manimajra, including those living in Modern Housing Complex, Shivalik Enclave, Indira Colony and Shastri Nagar. Part of the Smart City Mission, the project aims to prevent water wastage by reducing storage through continuous high-pressure supply. Other objectives of the project include augmentation of water resources through reduction of leakage, smart metering, limited dependence on groundwater and monitoring of energy consumption. A total of 22 km long water supply pipeline has been laid for the project and two underground reservoirs have been installed, each with a capacity of two million gallons per day.

After inaugurating the project, Amit Shah also addressed the people. In his address, he fiercely attacked the opposition. Amit Shah said that I assure you that let the opposition do whatever it wants. The public has stamped Modi ji’s work. In 2029 also, NDA government will be formed and Modi will come. They (opposition) do not know that BJP has won more seats in this election than the number of seats Congress got in the last three elections. These people want to spread instability. They repeatedly say that this government is not going to last. I have come to assure them that the government will not only complete its term but the next government will be of NDA.

Addressing the inauguration program, Union Home and Cooperation Minister Shri Amit Shah said that more than one lakh population will benefit from the water supply project of Manimajra and this colony spread over 855 acres will now be able to get water round the clock through a 22 km long new pipeline. He said that arrangements have been made to ensure 24-hour water availability by building two huge reservoirs here.

Shri Shah also said that by installing smart meters, the cost of leakage will also not fall on the consumers now, leakage in the house will also be detected immediately. He said that VFD pump has also been installed to ensure water pressure.

The Union Home Minister said that water is the life force for everyone and life is impossible without water. He said that if water is contaminated and is not available in the required quantity, then we have to face many difficulties and diseases in life, therefore, from today, the most modern filter plant is starting to provide filtered water round the clock to the people of the entire region.

Amit Shah said that since the beginning, 100 percent arrangements were made for facilities like water and sewer in Chandigarh. But due to increase in population, old pipelines and poor quality of water, the filtration plant has to be modernized and new pipelines have to be built and water availability has to be increased. He said that keeping these aspects in mind, a scheme to provide 24-hour water supply to the people of the area has been inaugurated today. The Home Minister said that now the sisters of the area do not need to set alarms in their mobiles for water, whenever water is needed, water will be available from the tap. He also said that now there will be no need for any tanker, whether it is the first floor or the fourth, one lakh people in the entire area of ​​Manimajra have started getting water smoothly from today.

The Home Minister said that ever since Narendra Modi became the Prime Minister in 2014, he has tried to improve the quality of life in cities by implementing the Smart City scheme. He said that Chandigarh was also included in the list of the first smart cities that were announced. The Government of India has spent more than Rs 1000 crore under the Smart City Project in Chandigarh.