Reportedly the NDA has opted to endorse Om Birla for another term as Lok Sabha Speaker. Following the Lok Sabha election results, there was initial speculation that NDA constituents such as TDP or JD(U) might put forward their own candidates for the Speaker’s role. However, JD(U) later announced their backing for the BJP’s nominee. Similarly, reports indicated that TDP was pushing for consensus on the Speaker’s selection.

Meanwhile, Rahul Gandhi, a senior Congress leader, criticized PM Modi’s appeal for opposition cooperation, referring to an incident involving Rajnath Singh and Mallikarjun Kharge.

Rahul remarked, “Today’s newspapers carry PM Modi’s call for constructive opposition cooperation. Rajnath Singh reached out to Mallikarjun Kharge seeking support for the Speaker. The entire opposition agreed to support the Speaker with the understanding that the Deputy Speaker position would be offered to the opposition. Unfortunately, Rajnath Singh has not followed through on this commitment… PM Modi seeks opposition cooperation while our leader faces disrespect.”