Delhi Law Minister Atishi has directed that all officials responsible for the “substandard construction work” at the Judicial Officers’ Residential Complex in Dwarka should be immediately suspended, according to an official statement on Wednesday.

The minister held a review meeting with senior officials of the Public Works and Law departments on Wednesday regarding the substandard construction work observed at the Judicial Officers’ Residential Complex in Dwarka’s Sector 19, the statement added.

During the meeting, the officials shared with the minister that the construction work for 70 flats, initiated in 2014 for judicial officers, has been progressing at an extremely slow pace.
Even before completion of the construction, structural flaws have started to appear, they pointed out.

“Law Minister Atishi promptly took notice of this serious issue and strictly directed the officials, stating that all responsible officers for the substandard construction work at the Judicial Officers’ Residential Complex in Dwarka should be immediately suspended.

Additionally, she directed the officials to blacklist the contractor,” the statement added.
Atishi stressed that the flaws in the structure are a result of officials’ negligence and irresponsible conduct.

The minister said Public Works Department officials responsible for the situation should face immediate and strict action to set a strong precedent, preventing anyone from contemplating such negligence.