The Income Tax department has conducted searches on Boudh Distillery Private Limited, an Odisha-based company, and has so far uncovered a cash haul of Rs 351 crore. According to sources, the business is connected to Dheeraj Sahu, a Congress MP for the Rajya Sabha. The sources state that searches are still in progress. On December 6, the search was launched, encompassing 25 locations throughout Jharkhand and Odisha. In the meantime, the 176 bags of currency had been counted, and the IT department had deposited the appropriate amount in the government treasury.

Earlier in the day, the currency counting of 176 bags was completed after Income Tax raided properties connected to Dheeraj Sahu, The Income Tax department will deposit all the seized cash at the same bank in Balangir bank following the official procedure on Monday.
During the Income Tax raids at properties connected to Rajya Sabha MP Dheeraj Sahu, huge stacks of currency notes were seized. According to sources the amount of cash recovered was in excess of Rs 300 crore.
Union Minister Amit Shah also criticised the Congress and members of the INDIA bloc for remaining silent on the raids
“I am very surprised. After independence, such a large amount of cash has been seized from an MP’s house. Crores of rupees have been recovered but the whole INDIA alliance is silent on this corruption. I understand Congress is silent as corruption is in their nature but JDU, RJD, DMK, and SP all are sitting silently…Now I understand why a campaign was run against PM Modi that agencies are being misused.