After the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) scored a landslide victory in the Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Chhattisgarh assembly polls, party leader Jyotiraditya Madhavrao Scindia shared his view with India News in an exclusive interview.

Q: What are the secrets of the BJP behind the landslide victory in the Madhya Pradesh polls?
A: As far as the BJP is concerned, it is a highly disciplined party and it believes in the overall development of people, state and the country. Keeping all these facts in mind, the voters of the state reposed faith in the party and the results are before everyone to see. People have given the party not only clear-cut mandate to rule but something like ‘wish’.

Q: Are you going to be next chief minister of the state?
A: No, I am not in the race for the chief minister’s post. I am just a simple and ordinary worker of the party. I am still learning politics under Modi, Shah and Shivraj Singh Chouhan. For me, party is first and then a chair or anything else. I am also indebted to the party for reposing trust in my and in future too, I would continue to serve the party with the same spirit and fervour.