The election has garnered significant attention, featuring a noteworthy competition between BJP’s incumbent MP Manoj Tiwari, and former student leader Kanhaiya Kumar from the Congress party.

Manoj Tiwary currently has crossed 3 lakh votes. Kanhaiya Kumar is trailing in second.

The Northeast Delhi parliamentary seat participated in the sixth phase of voting on May 25, along with six other constituencies in Delhi.

After a tumultuous two months filled with high-decibel campaigning by various political parties spanning the entire expanse of the nation, the moment of truth has arrived. June 4, a date etched as the cornerstone of the 2024 calendar, has dawned, heralding the decisive juncture where the destinies of more than 8,000 candidates representing 744 parties will be sealed.

The Northeast Delhi Lok Sabha seat holds particular importance in several significant voter groups. This constituency is pivotal due to its diverse hubs of development, industries, and education. The outcome, set to be announced later today, will determine the future of this constituency.

The contest primarily featured Manoj Tiwari from the Bharatiya Janata Party, a two-time former officeholder of this seat, and Kanhaiya Kumar, a former student leader representing the Indian National Congress.