In a heartbreaking incident on Wednesday morning, a fire engulfed a makeshift home in Noida’s Sector 8, resulting in the deaths of three young sisters and critically injuring their father. The girls’ mother also sustained burn injuries.
Police reported that the fire department received a call about the blaze at approximately 3:40 a.m., prompting the dispatch of two fire tenders to the location.
“Five family members were asleep in a single room when the fire erupted. A neighbor alerted the fire station, and teams promptly arrived at the scene. Upon controlling the breakout, four individuals—Daulat Ram (32) and his three daughters—were rushed to the hospital, where the young girls were declared dead on arrival,” stated Rambadan Singh, deputy commissioner of police (DCP) Noida.
Daulat Ram, who suffered around 60% burn injuries, was transferred to Safdarjung Hospital in Delhi for advanced treatment and is currently in the intensive care unit (ICU). His wife, who managed to escape with burn injuries to her hand, is receiving medical care.
Authorities are investigating to determine the exact cause of the breakout.
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