On Monday morning, actor-turned politician Gautami Tadimalla posted her resignation from the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on social media. She wrote about how she had been allegedly cheated by a man named C Alagappan,who was being helped by some members of the saffron party. On Monday evening, Tamil Nadu BJP chief K Annamalai responded to Gautami’s letter and told the media that he had spoken to Gautami Tadimalla and she was demanding quick action in her case.
Annamalai added, “We had supported her to get the FIR registered, but now she feels that some BJP workers are trying to protect the accused. Nobody is trying to protect him. I had a chat with Gautami today also…there is a misunderstanding. Police have to look into it and take action. Nobody in the BJP is trying to protect the accused and he is not connected with the BJP…the accused was with Gautami for 25 years as a friend and he has cheated. It is a case between Gautami and him, we are on the side of Gautami here.”
Gautami’s letter on X (formerly Twitter) was marked to BJP President JP Nadda as well as K Annamalai. Annamalai also pointed out that the issue Gautami had written about was between the actor and Alagappan. However, he reiterated that they were on the actor’s side.
Meanwhile, Narayanan Thirupathy, Tamil Nadu BJP Vice-President, wrote on his social media that the issue between Gautami and Alagappan was personal and the party was not involved in this issue in any way. Since she had already filed a case, it was now up to the police to investigate the matter, he added, saying that they were ready to help Gautami in any way possible. Natayanan Thirupathy requested Gautami to rethink her resignation from the BJP stating, “She was not deceived by the party or party members.”
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