The Ujjain Municipal Corporation has instructed shop owners to display their names and mobile numbers outside their shops, following a similar rule recently implemented by the BJP government in Uttar Pradesh for eateries along the Kanwar Yatra route. Ujjain Mayor Mukesh Tatwal says this rule is for safety and transparency, not to target Muslim shopkeepers.


In Ujjain, a historic city famous for the Mahakal Temple and the upcoming Simhastha (Kumbh) Mela in 2028, the local government has issued a new directive. All shop owners must display their names and contact numbers outside their establishments. This rule follows the MP Shop Establishment Act, also known as the Gumasta License, which was first approved in 2002.

Mayor Mukesh Tatwal explained that the directive is meant to enhance safety and transparency for customers. He said, “Ujjain is a sacred city where people come with faith. They should have the right to know who is running the shop they are buying from. This helps if they need to report any issues.”

Tatwal emphasized that this rule is not aimed at targeting Muslim shopkeepers. “The order is about safety, not about targeting any community,” he said.

Under the new rule, shop owners who do not comply will face a fine of ₹2,000 for the first violation and ₹5,000 for subsequent violations. This policy is similar to a recent order in Uttar Pradesh, where eateries along the Kanwar Yatra route were required to display the names and contact numbers of their owners. The Uttar Pradesh government has now extended this order statewide, and similar rules are already in place in Uttarakhand.

Critics argue that this rule unfairly targets Muslim traders, but Mayor Tatwal asserts that it is a safety measure for everyone, not a discriminatory practice.

Key Points:

– What’s New: Ujjain shop owners must display names and contact numbers.
– Purpose: To improve safety and transparency for customers.
Background: This rule is part of the MP Shop Establishment Act from 2002.
– Fine Details: ₹2,000 for the first violation; Rs. 5,000 for the second.
– Comparison: Similar to a recent rule in Uttar Pradesh for eateries along the Kanwar Yatra route.
– Criticism: Some claim it targets Muslim shopkeepers, but the mayor denies this.

This rule comes as Ujjain prepares for major religious events and seeks to enhance the experience for visitors to the city.