On Monday, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte arrived in Bengaluru and met with DK Shivakumar, the Deputy Chief Minister of Karnataka, at Vidhana Soudha. In addition to attending the G20 summit in India, Mark Rutte is meeting informally with ministers from the Karnataka government. Alongside the G20 Summit in New Delhi on Sunday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi met privately with his Dutch counterpart Mark Rutte. He also went to the September 9–10 G20 Summit, which was held under Indian Presidency.
During the meeting, the two leaders discussed ways to enhance their bilateral partnership. They further discussed ways to deepen cooperation in trade and investment, defence and security, clean energy and green hydrogen, and others.
Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) in an official statement said, “The two leaders discussed ways to deepen their bilateral partnership, including cooperation in trade and investment, defence and security, clean energy and green hydrogen, semiconductors, cyber and digital technology, among others.”
Rutte also congratulated PM Modi on the success of the G20 Summit and India’s G20 Presidency. He also congratulated India on the success of the Chandrayaan mission and conveyed his best wishes for the Aditya mission to the Moon, according to MEA. The discussions between PM Modi and Mark Rutte covered regional and global issues of mutual interest.
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