Pune will host the Army Day Parade 2025 on January 15. It will feature modern contingents, including a Women Agniveers group, at the Bombay Engineers Group (BEG) Centre, Kadki. The Southern Command will organize the Parade in the city.
For the first time, the prestigious Army Day Parade will feature the Nepal Army Band as the only foreign contingent. The parade, set for January 15, 2025, will take place at the Bombay Engineers Group (BEG) Centre in Khadki, Pune. The Nepalese contingent continuing the tradition of close military ties between India and Nepal. President Droupadi Murmu recently conferred the honorary rank of General of the Indian Army on the Nepalese Army Chief. This gesture reflects a 70-year-old tradition of mutual respect between the armed forces of India and Nepal.
Women Agniveers and NCC Girls to Shine
This year’s parade will mark a milestone in inclusivity, with an all-women Army contingent comprising Agniveers participating for the first time. The all-girls National Cadet Corps (NCC) contingent will also march to the headquarters of the Army’s Southern Command. Their participation symbolizes the growing role of women in the Indian Army.
“Inspiring dreams and shaping future leaders!
For the first time, an NCC Girls Contingent marches in the Army Day Parade 2025. Watch the remarkably inspiring stories of these young pioneers, embodying discipline, courage and women empowerment.#ArmyDay2025 #NCCGirls… pic.twitter.com/lvg4ani5Tk
— Southern Command INDIAN ARMY (@IaSouthern) January 10, 2025
Technological Marvels on Display
The parade will showcase India’s advanced military equipment, including the K-9 Vajra howitzer, BMP-2 Sarath infantry combat vehicle, and T-90 tanks. In addition, cutting-edge innovations such as AI-driven decision-making systems, drone swarms, blockchain logistics, and 5G-enabled battlefield communication will highlight the Army’s technological advancements. Thematic tableaux will emphasize the Army’s focus on sustainability, climate resilience, and sports excellence.
A Historic Venue for a Prestigious Event
This is the third consecutive year that the Army Day Parade is being held outside New Delhi. After Bengaluru in 2023 and Lucknow in 2024, Pune will host the event, celebrating the heritage and evolution of the Indian Army. The Southern Command, headquartered in Pune, oversees operations across 11 states and four Union Territories, covering 41% of India’s landmass. With its rich history dating back to 1895, the Southern Command remains a cornerstone of India’s defense.
The Army Day Parade 2025 will be live-streamed on YouTube and the Army’s official social media channels, offering viewers nationwide a chance to witness this grand celebration of India’s military prowess and progress.