The first day of the nine-day Shardiya Navratri festival, which honours Goddess Durga and her nine avatars, was celebrated with Kalash or Ghatsthapna on Sunday. Hindus celebrate the festival with great fervor throughout the nation. The festival’s name comes from the Shukla Paksha, or waxing phase of the moon, which occurs in the month of Ashwin. The Goddess arrives on Pratipada Tithi, the first day of Navratri. On the first day, worship is offered to Mata Shailputri. She goes by the names Hemavati and Parvati as well. It is said that Goddess Sati was born as Shailputri to King Himalaya following her self-immolation.
Shailputri is a combination of two words: Shail, which means mountain, and Putri, which means daughter, daughter of mountains. She is depicted with two hands, with a Trishul in the right hand and a lotus flower in the left.
Goddess Shailputri is also known as Vrisharudha because she rides a white bull.
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