Kerala is going to take part in the National Milk Day celebrations, which are held on November 26, the anniversary of Dr. Verghese Kurien’s birth, the man who started the Indian White Revolution. The Kochi-based Kerala Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation (KCMMF), better known by its brand Milma, is putting on a prominent event. According to a state government release released on Friday, the event will include a memorial talk on the father of India’s White Revolution as well as the introduction of a comprehensive cattle insurance policy in the state.

J Chinchurani, Minister for Animal Husbandry and Dairy Development will inaugurate the function at Adlux Convention Centre. Parliamentarian Benny Behanan will roll out Milma’s comprehensive cattle insurance policy on the occasion.
Human resources expert Nirmala Kurien will deliver the Dr Verghese Kurien memorial lecture, recounting the pioneering contributions of her father and social entrepreneur, who enabled India to become the world’s largest milk producer with a strong cooperative dairy movement since 1970, top Milma functionaries said today.
The Leader of the Opposition, VD Satheesan, is among the key speakers at the function, which will be chaired by MLA Roji M John.