BJP Tamil Nadu state president may have not won the Lok Sabha seat from Coimbatore but he is very upbeat about the performance of the saffron party in the new term. BJP leader Narendra Modi was sworn as the Prime Minister of India for the third consecutive time on June 9 and Annamalai was all praise for his party leader.

Taking to his social media, Annamalai wrote on X (formerly Twitter), “In 2014, he was the change our people yearned for. In the last 10 years, he brought about a change – in the way our government functioned; in the outlook of developed nations on Bharat; that reminded our Nation of our Glorious & Forgotten history; that made the government programmes accessible & made many programmes saturate; curbing corruption with an iron fist. He is the Change! Congratulations to Shri @narendramodi avl for being sworn in as the Prime Minister of India for the 3rd consecutive time, the 2nd Indian PM to have achieved this Monumental feat. A proud moment for every karyakartha of the world’s largest political party, the @BJP4India & the NDA.”

The 39-year-old former IPS officer lost the Lok Sabha Elections 2024 from the Coimbatore constituency to rival Ganapathy Rajkumar of Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK).

Annamalai joined the BJP in 2019 and became the president of the party’s Tamil Nadu unit in 2021. There were rumors he would be inducted into the new council of ministers on June 9 but that did not turn out to be true.

Meanwhile, a rift has emerged between Tamilisai Soundararajan, former Tamil Nadu BJP chief and Annamalai. Their supporters engaged in a war of words on social media on Sunday. Annamalai has been facing criticism within the party in Tamil Nadu post the poor results for the BJP in the Lok Sabha elections in the state.