Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to visit Mumbai, Maharashtra on Saturday, July 13, where he will inaugurate and lay the foundation stone for developmental projects worth ₹29,400 crore. The event will take place at the NESCO Exhibition Centre in Goregaon and include a visit to the INC Secretariat at Bandra Kurla Complex.

During his visit, PM Modi will dedicate new platforms at Lokmanya Tilak Terminus and extend platforms 10 and 11 at Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus. The Prime Minister’s Office announced the schedule and projects via an official release.

At 5:30 pm, PM Modi will launch transportation connectivity projects focusing on railways, roads, and ports at the NESCO Exhibition Centre. He will also inaugurate the new INS Towers at the Indian News Service Secretariat in Bandra Kurla Complex at 7 pm.

Key projects to be launched include the Thane-Borivali Tunnel Project valued at ₹16,600 crore, which will shorten travel between Thane and Borivali by 12 kilometers and save an hour in travel time. Additionally, the ₹6,300 crore Goregaon Mulund Link Road (GMLR) project aims to reduce travel time from Goregaon to Mulund to 25 minutes from the current 75 minutes.

PM Modi will initiate the Kalyan Yard remodelling project and the Gati Shakti Multi Modal Cargo Terminal in Navi Mumbai. The Kalyan Yard remodelling will improve train traffic efficiency in the Mumbai metropolitan region, while the cargo terminal will boost capacity for handling commodities and create employment opportunities.

The launch of the Mukhyamantri Yuva Karya Prashikshan Yojana, with an outlay of ₹5,600 crore, will address youth unemployment and enhance skill development for individuals aged 18 to 30 years.