In a momentous occasion marked by historical significance and forward-looking ambition, Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the new campus of Nalanda University in Rajgir. This event, coming within days of his third term as Prime Minister, underscores not just a revival of ancient glory but also a visionary leap towards a promising future.

“Nalanda is more than just a name; it is a mantra, an identity that transcends time,” remarked Prime Minister Modi, reflecting on the profound legacy of this ancient seat of learning. “The revival of Nalanda will mark the beginning of the Golden Age of India.”

The new campus of Nalanda University stands as a testament to India’s commitment to global education and sustainability. Designed as a ‘Net Zero’ Green Campus, it exemplifies innovation with solar plants, water recycling systems, and extensive green spaces spanning 100 acres. “This campus,” Prime Minister Modi emphasized, “embodies the ethos of ‘Be your own light,’ guiding the world towards sustainable practices.”

Highlighting the inclusive spirit of Nalanda, the Prime Minister recalled its historical role as a melting pot of cultures and ideas. “In ancient times, Nalanda welcomed students from all corners of the globe, transcending borders and nationalities. Today, as we reopen its doors, we embrace this spirit of inclusivity, aiming to foster global cooperation and cultural exchange.”

Looking ahead, Prime Minister Modi outlined his vision for India to reclaim its status as a global hub of education and knowledge. “My mission,” he declared, “is for India to once again shine as the foremost knowledge center globally. This vision aligns with our commitment to sustainable development, echoing India’s historical balance of progress and environmental stewardship.”

Nalanda University’s strategic ties with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) exemplify India’s growing regional engagement. “By establishing the ASEAN-India University Network,” Prime Minister Modi affirmed, “we deepen cultural ties and facilitate academic collaboration, marking the 21st century as the Asian century.”

As India embarks on this journey to revive Nalanda, Prime Minister Modi concluded, “Let this be the dawn of a new Golden Age for India, where knowledge transcends boundaries and innovation thrives. Nalanda’s revival is not just a historical moment; it is a promise of a brighter future for generations to come.”

Inaugurating the new campus of Nalanda University signifies not merely a structural achievement but a profound statement on India’s aspirations for global leadership in education, sustainability, and cultural exchange. As the campus breathes new life into ancient corridors of learning, it beckons the world to witness India’s unwavering commitment to excellence and inclusivity.