Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath highlighted the transformation of Muzaffarnagar from a city under months of curfew due to governance issues to one known for its vibrant Kanwar Yatra, emphasizing the importance of every vote in elections. Speaking at the Prabudha Sammelan in Muzaffarnagar, CM Yogi stated that the city’s positive change occurred when power was given to the right people.

“Previously, votes cast in favor of wrong people plunged Western UP into anarchy and lawlessness where everyone felt insecure. But, when you elected the right parties and people, lawlessness and chaos ended and faith was respected,” CM Yogi said.

He urged citizens to exercise their democratic rights, emphasizing the significance of voting for the right candidates. CM Yogi also spoke about the government’s commitment to revitalizing Shuktirtha and acknowledged Chaudhary Charan Singh’s posthumous Bharat Ratna award, highlighting his contributions to farmers’ rights.

CM Yogi recalled the tense atmosphere in Muzaffarnagar before 2016-2017 and emphasized the community’s trust in Prime Minister Modi’s leadership. He also mentioned the establishment of a global standard sports university in Sardhana, Muzaffarnagar, and promised job opportunities for Muzaffarnagar’s daughters who excel in international sports events.

Addressing security concerns, CM Yogi vowed unwavering attention to security matters and warned wrongdoers of serious repercussions. He also discussed initiatives in the budget to provide free electricity to private tube well operators and promote solar panels.

The conference was attended by BJP Lok Sabha candidate Sanjeev Balyan, state government minister Anil Kumar, Kapil Dev Aggarwal, MLA Rajpal Balyan, and BJP regional president Satyendra Sisodia.