The Mumbai traffic police have issued a new advisory due to the Ganpati procession and Chintamani Aagman processions affecting Parel, Bhoiwada, and Lalbaug areas.

Advisory Details:

1. Route and Road Closures:

  • Dr. B.A. Road North Bound: Traffic will be closed from Hansraj Rathod Chowk (Bawla Compound Junction) to Comrade Krishna Desai Chowk (Bharat Mata Junction). Vehicles from the north bound on Dr. B.A. Road heading towards Dadar should use Lalbaugh flyover or turn right at Hansraj Rathod Chowk, proceeding via T.B. Kadam Marg, Datta Ram Lad Marg, Shravandada Yashwant Chowk, G.D. Ambekar Marg, Shree Sai Baba Marg, and Comrade Krishna Desai Chowk.
  • Dr. B.A. Road South Bound: Traffic will be closed from Comrade Krishna Desai Chowk (Bharat Mata Junction) to Hansraj Rathod Chowk. Vehicles traveling south should use Lalbaugh flyover or turn right at Comrade Krishna Desai Chowk, proceeding via Currey Road Bridge, Shingate Master Chowk, N.M. Joshi Road, Comrade Ganacharya Junction, Abdul Hamid Ansari Chowk, or Gijibhai Lane, Sadashiv Gopal Naik Chowk, Shree Sai Baba Marg, Sai Baba T Junction, G.D. Ambekar Road, and Barrister Nath Pai Road.

2. Sane Guruji Marg:

  • The road will be closed from Comrade Ganacharya Junction (Chinchpokali Junction) to Saint Jagnade Maharaj Chowk (Gas Company Junction) in both directions. Vehicles on N.M. Joshi Marg from Chinchpokali Junction should head straight to N.M. Joshi Road, Shingate Master Chowk, Delisle Road Bridge, and continue on N.M. Joshi Road. Vehicles from N.M. Joshi Marg south bound should head to Sane Guruji Marg, Satrasta Circle, Keshavrao Khadye Marg, Gangaram Talakar Chowk (S Bridge Junction), and S Bridge.

3. N.M. Joshi Marg:

  • The road will be closed from Gulabrao Ganacharya Chowk (Chinchpokli Junction) to Gangaram Talakar Chowk (S Bridge Junction) as needed. Vehicles traveling north on N.M. Joshi Marg from Byculla Railway Station should proceed to Gangaram Talakar Chowk, Keshavrao Khadye Marg, Satrasta Circle, Sane Guruji Marg, and Gulabrao Ganacharya Chowk. Vehicles heading south should go straight to Sane Guruji Marg, Satrasta Circle, Keshavrao Khadye Marg, Gangaram Talakar Chowk, and S Bridge.

4. Mahadev Palav Marg (Curry Road):

  • This road will be one-way from Shingate Master Chowk to Comrade Krishna Desai Chowk (Bharat Mata Junction). Vehicles coming from N.M. Joshi Road north bound should continue straight from Shingate Master Chowk to Delisle Road Bridge and N.M. Joshi Road.

The traffic police have issued these instructions to prevent congestion and ensure smooth movement during the festive period.