A heartbreaking incident occurred on Tuesday afternoon in Amrit Nagar, Mumbra, near Mumbai, when a three-year-old girl was killed after being struck by a golden retriever that fell from a fifth-floor building. The girl was out for a walk with her mother when the tragedy unfolded.
Captured on CCTV, the footage shows the golden retriever plummeting from the height and landing on the child, causing her to faint. Her mother immediately rushed her to a hospital, but despite efforts, the girl passed away during treatment.
The dog, though injured, was able to stand up shortly after the fall and was subsequently rescued and taken to an animal hospital for treatment. The circumstances leading to the fall are unclear, and it is uncertain if the incident was due to negligence, an accident, or an act of animal cruelty.
The police are investigating the matter to determine how the dog fell from such a height and to understand the circumstances surrounding the tragic event.
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