Mumbai Police successfully traced an MBA holder suffering from schizophrenia who made a threatening call to veteran industrialist and former Tata Sons chairman Ratan Tata. The anonymous caller had warned that Ratan Tata would face a fate similar to former Tata Sons chairman Cyrus Mistry if security measures were not enhanced. Cyrus Mistry, another prominent industrialist, had tragically died in a car crash on September 4, 2022.

Upon receiving the threat, Mumbai Police launched an immediate investigation and deployed a special team to bolster Ratan Tata’s security. Simultaneously, efforts were made to identify and locate the caller. Through technical support and collaboration with a telecom service provider, the police successfully traced the caller’s location to Karnataka, revealing that he was a resident of Pune.

Upon reaching the caller’s residence in Pune, the police discovered that he had been missing for the past five days, prompting his wife to file a complaint at the Bhosari police station. Further inquiry revealed that the caller, suffering from schizophrenia, had taken the phone used to make the threatening call without informing its owner.

Given the caller’s mental health condition, Mumbai Police decided against pursuing legal action. The investigation unveiled that the individual held an MBA in finance and had a background in engineering. The incident highlights the challenges posed by mental health issues and the need for a compassionate and nuanced approach to handling such cases.