Mumbai Police received a new death threat for Bollywood star Salman Khan from the Bishnoi gang, reigniting concerns for the actor’s safety. The threatening message, referencing a song with ominous lyrics, was sent via social media to the city police. This recent development adds to a series of threats that Khan has reportedly received over the past year.
In previous threats, the Bishnoi gang allegedly warned Khan, stating that he was on their target list. The gang, led by Lawrence Bishnoi—a figure implicated in various criminal cases—considers Khan an enemy due to a 1998 blackbuck poaching case, a matter that remains sensitive in the Bishnoi community due to their reverence for the blackbuck species.
In March this year, Mumbai Police heightened Khan’s security following a threatening email from individuals claiming association with the Bishnoi gang. The gang reportedly issued another threat in June, further increasing the actor’s security detail. Khan’s management and Mumbai Police have since taken numerous measures, including increased personal security and restricted public appearances, in response to these repeated threats.
Khan, a major figure in Indian cinema, has so far refrained from public comments about the threats but is reportedly cooperating fully with law enforcement. Mumbai Police continue to investigate the source of the recent message, treating it as a serious matter given the gang’s history and repeated interest in the actor.
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