Recently in Mumbai, a bizarre incident occurred at Churchgate railway station on Monday.

A man who was standing at platform No.2 saw that his friend was vulnerable to the rain. In an attempt to help her, he dramatically tried to pass on the raincoat, as the friend was standing on platform No.3.

But this helping gesture took a shocking turn for others, as the raincoat became stuck on overhead electric wires. As a result, the train operation stopped. Due to coat being stuck in railway line between platforms, it generated panic among people.

However, the railway establishment promptly responded to this crisis and managed to remove raincoat by cutting off the power to impacted lines. Thus, causing a delay of local trains for 25 minutes.

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In this viral video, the officer was trying to withdraw the raincoat from the overhead wire. This incident occurred at the time of afternoon at 3 pm.

Later, the man was transferred to custody by railway police. Eventually, the raincoat was withdrawn.

However, for the passengers, it resulted in delay from 5 to 10 minutes. The services of central railway had resumed at 7:40 am. But the commuters encountered delay for 20 to 25 minutes. Moreover, a fine of Rs.2000 was also charged from the man.