Cricket player Prithvi Shaw finds himself summoned by Mumbai’s sessions court after a plea was lodged by social media influencer Sapna Gill. Gill’s appeal challenges a magistrate’s ruling on her complaint against Shaw, which mandates a police investigation. The allegations stem from an incident at a bar, where Gill claims Shaw molested her.

Earlier this month, an Andheri metropolitan court directed authorities to conduct a police inquiry into Gill’s request for a police report against Shaw. The court’s decision amplifies the scrutiny surrounding Shaw’s actions, marking a significant development in the ongoing legal proceedings.

However, Gill faced disappointment when the court rejected her second plea to prosecute the police for their alleged failure to file a report following her accusations against Shaw and his companion.

Expressing dissatisfaction with both rulings, Gill sought a review at a Malad sessions court, contending that the April 3 order from the metropolitan magistrate was “irregular and illegal.” She argued that the court had “gravely erred” in endorsing it. The request for a review was filed by lawyer Ali Kaashif Khan.

On Tuesday, additional sessions judge D G Dhoble summoned Shaw and the airport police, who neglected to file a case when Gill initially approached them. The next hearing for the matter is scheduled for June 6.

In February 2023, Gill, along with others, was arrested in connection with an altercation with Shaw at a suburban hotel over a dispute about taking selfies. Currently out on bail, Gill filed a molestation complaint against Shaw, his friend Ashish Yadav, and others at the airport police station in Andheri after her release. Subsequently, she pursued legal action in the magistrate court when the police failed to register a case against the cricketer.

In her complaint, Gill requested the filing of an FIR under Indian Penal Code sections 354 (molestation), 509 (acts intended to insult a woman’s modesty), and 324 (causing hurt with dangerous weapons or means) against Shaw and his friend Ashish Yadav. They were accused of assaulting her with a bat.