In Madhya Pradesh, BJP has released the fifth list and fielded 228 candidates, in which former minister Maya Singh from Gwalior East and former minister Narayan Singh Kushwaha have been made candidates from Gwalior South Assembly. As soon as the names of both of them were announced, there was a lot of anger among the supporters of the main contenders for both assemblies. Maximum opposition to the candidates is being seen in the Gwalior East Assembly.
While the supporters of former MLA and staunch Scindia supporter Munnalal Goyal have created a ruckus from the streets to the Scindia Palace, the supporters of former minister Anup Mishra, nephew of former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, are also showing their anger regarding the second Gwalior South Assembly.
Also, due to a change of candidate, former BJP leader and former SADA President Jai Singh Kushwaha resigned from all his posts. After this, supporters of Scindia and former MLA Munnalal Goyal also took to the streets in protest against the ticket of candidate Maya Singh and they demonstrated fiercely at Murar Baradari intersection on Saturday night and raised slogans. The supporters of Munnalal Goyal reached Jaivilas Palace, the palace of Union Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia, on Sunday morning. They raised slogans loudly in front of Union Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia and demanded to change the ticket of Maya Singh and demanded to make Munnalal the candidate.
The protests also erupted regarding the Gwalior South Assembly, where people protested against giving the ticket to former minister Narayan Singh Kushwaha. The protesting supporters were of Anup Mishra, former minister and nephew of late Atal Bihari Vajpayee. The supporters shouting slogans want the BJP to reconsider its decision and field Anup Mishra in place of Narayan Singh Kushwaha from Gwalior South Assembly.
Although supporters of the contenders were seen on the streets in protest against the candidates announced by BJP for Gwalior East and Gwalior South Assembly, but both of them did not come forward openly. On one hand, Munnalal Goyal, the contender from the East Assembly, appeared hurt by the party’s decision, while on the other hand, the main contender from the South Assembly, former minister Anup Mishra, also expressed grief over not getting the ticket and said that his trust has been broken. But amidst all these circumstances, both the contenders are expressing their loyalty towards the Bharatiya Janata Party.
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