The Madhya Pradesh police on Friday have registered a case against 17 persons for clicking polling photos during state assembly polls and sharing them on social media in Vidisha district.
Voting in the state for 230 assembly seats concluded on November 17 and the counting of votes would take place on December 3.
According to the FIR copy, the case was registered following the complaint of Additional Returning Officer Sanjay Chourasia (48) at Sironj police station in the district on Wednesday evening (Nov 22) for violating the rules & regulations of the election commission.
The case was registered under IPC section 188 & section 128 of Representation of the People Act.
Vidisha Collector Umashankar Bhargav stated, “We received a complaint from the Additional Returning Officer that Mobile phones and cameras were not allowed at the polling booth. But some voters clicked pictures while casting their votes on the EVM and made it viral on social media sites. It is a violation of the rules of the Election Commission.”
Besides, the post exposes the careless attitude of the election officials present at the polling station. Such acts not only violate the secrecy of the vote but also impact future elections. Due to this, a disciplinary dignity of elections is also being questioned. Collector Bhargav stated that in an application, the officer demanded action against those who violated the rules.
The officer added, acting on the complaint, the Sironj police took cognizance of the matter and registered the FIR against 17 people.
Deputy collector Harshal Choudhary stated, “Mobiles are not allowed at the polling station, but some persons took mobile phones secretly, clicked pictures while voting and posted them on social media. The ARO filed a complaint and we lodged an FIR in Sironj police station under IPC section 188 and section 128 of RPA act.”
He added, the FIR was registered against 17 named people. The police were also investigating the people who were on duty at the booth and under what circumstances the accused took the mobile phones.