In preparation for the upcoming Madhya Pradesh assembly elections, the Congress party replaced candidates on Wednesday in four assembly constituencies. The four constituencies are the Jaora seat in Ratlam district, the Badnagar seat in Ujjain district, the Pipariya (Scheduled Caste) seat in Narmadapuram district, and the Sumawali seat in Morena district. Ajab Singh Kushwaha has been fielded from the Sumawali seat in lieu of Kuldeep Sikarwar, and Virendra Belvanshi will now run from the Pipariya (SC) seat in lieu of Guru Charan Khare, per the amended list. In a similar vein, Virender Singh Solanki has been fielded from the Jaora seat in lieu of Himmat Shrimal, and Murli Morwal is running from the Badnagar seat in place of Rajendra Singh Solanki.
Earlier the Congress party announced its second list of 85 candidates for the Madhya Pradesh Assembly polls and replaced three of its previously declared nominees. The Congress had in its first named 144 candidates for the state.
The Congress has given tickets to 62 candidates belonging to the OBC candidates to contest in Madhya Pradesh, in the two lists announced. The state assembly has 47 seats reserved for Scheduled Tribes and 35 for Scheduled Castes. In 2018, 60 OBC candidates were given tickets by the Congress.
Madhya Pradesh is one of the five states set to hold elections this year. The state is scheduled to vote on November 17, with the vote count taking place on December 3. Voters will choose legislators from 230 Assembly constituencies.
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