Following altercations over giving gifts to members of the public ahead of the Madhya Pradesh Assembly elections, Indore Police have filed cases against BJP and Congress employees. On Wednesday, disagreements and altercations between the employees of the two parties occurred in three distinct districts. Following this, three police stations in the district also received reports of incidents. At Rajendra Nagar police station, one of the three cases is filed against BJP candidate Madhu Verma’s brother Balram Verma and former minister and Congress MLA Nana Patwari.
Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police (ADCP) Rajesh Dandotiya said, “There was a dispute between Nana Patwari, brother of Congress candidate Jitu Patwari, contesting from Rau assembly seat and Balram Verma, brother of BJP candidate Madhu Verma from the same seat, over the distribution of gifts to the public. There was also a clash between the two parties. After that, a case has been registered against people from both the parties at Rajendra Nagar police station into the matter.”
On the other hand, a woman leader who was campaigning for Congress candidate Sanjay Shukla from Indore-1 assembly constituency had filed a complaint against BJP workers at the Aerodrome Police Station. Besides, there was a dispute and fight between the workers of BJP and Congress regarding the distribution of liquor for which a case of assault was registered against both parties on Wednesday evening, the officer said.
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