The Patiala House Court in Delhi took cognizance on Tuesday of a supplementary complaint (chargesheet) filed against three Tihar jail officials, Mahender Prasad Sundriyal, Sunder Bora, and Dharam Singh Meena, in the case of jailed businessman Sukesh Chandrasekar in a Rs 200 crore money laundering case.
Additional Meetings After taking cognizance of the chargesheet, Judge Shailendra Malik scheduled a hearing on 29 April. The Enforcement Directorate (ED) informed the court that the accused persons had received a copy of the chargesheet and other documents.
In addition, the agency informed the court that an investigation was underway.
The court requested that the ED update it on the status of the investigation and when it was expected to be completed after it had been ongoing for four years. “Accused are in jail, and what is the status of the investigation into those accused?” the court observed. They claim that the trial has been postponed.”
The accused were apprehended in February 2023.
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