Monalisa Bhonsle, a garland seller from Indore, was trending during Mahakumbh 2025 but is now being harassed. A video shows her running from men while trying to evade the crowd. One family member pulls her back while others shield her, and the video ends with her covering her face with a dupatta.
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Her overnight stardom has taken a toll on her business. “People were after Monalisa all the time. It became difficult for her to focus on selling garlands. Our father decided it was best for us to go home for now,” said her younger sister, Vidya.
Her Instagram account has various videos, in which she is seen selling garlands, giving interviews, and even on her birthday. She even debunked some of the rumors that surfaced stating her earnings in crores. “I will take pictures only with those who purchase my products,” she quipped in jest. Bhonsle was first discovered on social media after an influencer recorded her at Mahakumbh 2025. It was that which brought online attention to her beauty.