Malayalam film star Mohanlal, who holds the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in the Indian Territorial Army, arrived in Wayanad on Saturday to support the ongoing rescue operations following devastating landslides. Dressed in his army uniform, he visited the Army camp at Meppadi, met with officers, and then traveled to the affected areas with other rescue teams.
Current Situation in Wayanad (August 3)
The landslides in Kerala’s Wayanad district have claimed over 300 lives since Tuesday. On the fifth day of the search and rescue operations, the Army, along with the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF), state disaster teams, and volunteers, have intensified their efforts. To date, 341 autopsies have been completed, and 146 bodies have been identified.
Key Developments
– Bailey Bridge Construction: On Thursday, the Army swiftly built a 190-foot-long Bailey bridge to reconnect the severely impacted villages of Mundakkai and Chooralmala.
– Recovery Efforts: Rescue teams are focusing on the Chaliyar river, which runs through Wayanad, Malappuram, and Kozhikode districts. More than 100 bodies have been recovered from the river and its banks.
Causes and Concerns
The disaster has raised concerns about potential negligence by the state government and the impact of climate change. Some experts suggest that unusual weather conditions in the Arabian Sea, leading to extreme rainfall, may have triggered the landslides.
The situation remains critical, with ongoing efforts to find survivors and address the aftermath of this tragic event.
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