The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has appointed four-time MLA Mohan Charan Majhi as the new Chief Minister of Odisha. This decision comes following the recent Odisha assembly elections, where Majhi emerged victorious from the Keonjhar assembly seat, defeating Biju Janata Dal’s Mina Majhi by a margin of 11,577 votes.
The announcement of Majhi’s appointment was made by Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, who declared him as the leader of the BJP’s legislature party. Alongside Majhi, KV Singhdeo and Pravati Parida have been named as his deputies, marking a strategic move by the BJP to strengthen its leadership in the state.
With four terms as MLA under his belt, Mohan Charan Majhi brings a wealth of experience and expertise to his new role, promising to prioritize the welfare and development of Odisha.
Stay tuned for updates.
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