Prime Minister Narendra Modi, addressing an election rally, referred to the 140 crore citizens as his successors. Sixty years ago, he embarked on a journey unaware that these very people would become his family. His relentless efforts are dedicated to their welfare.

Expressing familial sentiment, PM Modi likened himself to a head of household, looking to pass on to his successors. He emphasized his dedication to the nation, having never lived for himself but solely for the welfare of the people.

Mocking the Congress party’s decline, PM Modi noted its incapacity to field candidates from prominent locations. He criticized the INDI alliance for exploiting Delhi and highlighted their involvement in corruption scandals.

PM Modi underscored the significance of the current election in safeguarding the nation’s economy from bankruptcy and protecting the interests of the poor and middle class.

Meeting Pakistani refugees who gained Indian citizenship under the Citizenship Amendment Act, PM Modi criticized the opposition for exploiting Delhi for vote bank politics. He reiterated his commitment to improving the lives of Delhi’s residents.

PM Modi lamented the delay in building a National War Memorial and a Police Memorial, highlighting his administration’s efforts to honour the sacrifices of soldiers and police personnel.

He proudly showcased Delhi’s transformation, citing modern infrastructure and landmarks. He emphasized the need for stable governance and urged for the continuation of his government.

PM Modi stressed the importance of defeating nepotism in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, aiming for a government focused on national progress. He called for support for his government in the pursuit of a prosperous India.

Voting for all seven Lok Sabha seats in Delhi will take place on May 25, with BJP’s Manoj Tiwari contesting against Congress candidate Kanhaiya Kumar in the North East Delhi constituency.