In Noida, three men staged a stunt sitting on a car and acting like the ‘Squid Game’ scene. One man sat on the windshield while the two others clung to the doors of the vehicle as they all danced to the “Round and Round” song from ‘Squid Game’ Season 2. The group filmed their spin-off of the popular show late at night as they took their Toyota Fortuner, which is branded with a BJP flag, out for a spin in a roundabout.
Take a look at the viral stunt:
उत्तर प्रदेश : नोएडा में BJP झंडा लगी फॉरच्यूनर कार पर लटककर Reel बनवाई, पुलिस ने 33K का चालान काटकर रिटर्न गिफ्ट घर भेजा !!
— Sachin Gupta (@SachinGuptaUP) January 4, 2025
The Noida police charged the owner of the vehicle Rs 33,000 in total for violating a number of traffic regulations. Charges included dangerous driving, law disobedience, driving without insurance, having tinted windows, and failing to wear seat belts.