A stampede occurred at the Triveni Sangam in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, on Wednesday morning as large crowds gathered for a holy dip in the Ganga. The stampede resulted in multiple injuries, with at least 15 bodies brought to the central hospital for treatment. Several ambulances rushed to the scene to assist the injured, and the Mela administration had to take immediate steps to control the increasing pressure of the crowd.
Crowd Control Challenges at Mahakumbh Mela
The massive crowd at the Mahakumbh Mela made it challenging for authorities to maintain order. As the rush grew due to the Mauni Amavasya ‘Amrit Snan,’ the administration struggled to manage the situation. Announcements were made, urging devotees to vacate the ghats after completing their bath to allow others to participate. However, amid the chaos, many people were forced to leave without taking the holy dip.
PM Modi Takes Swift Action
Prime Minister Narendra Modi closely monitored the situation following the stampede. He contacted Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath to review the situation and called for immediate support measures. “PM Modi spoke to Yogi Ji about the situation at the Kumbh Mela, reviewed the developments, and called for immediate support measures,” an official statement said.
Pre-Event Preparations and Security Measures
The Uttar Pradesh government had anticipated around 10 crore devotees for Mauni Amavasya and had already increased security and crowd management efforts. Despite these preparations, the overwhelming number of pilgrims made it difficult to control the situation. The government issued an advisory asking devotees to treat all ghats as equally sacred and to avoid misinformation. In addition, 25 quintals of rose petals were showered on devotees from helicopters during the event.
Crowd Numbers and Security Response
Since the Mahakumbh Mela began on January 13, over 15 crore pilgrims have visited the Sangam. On Tuesday alone, more than 4.8 crore devotees participated in the holy dip. To manage the crowd, authorities deployed drones, AI-powered cameras, and security personnel throughout the area. The Mela ground was declared a no-vehicle zone, and locals were urged to use two-wheelers to transport senior citizens to the Sangam.
#WATCH | Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh: Huge number of people gather at the Sangam Ghat for the 'Amrit Snan' on the occasion of Mauni Amavasya.
In the first 15 days of #Mahakumbh2025 that began on January 13th – Paush Purnima, over 15 crore devotees have taken a holy dip.
(Visuals… pic.twitter.com/D1mtL5mg40
— ANI (@ANI) January 28, 2025
Significance of Mauni Amavasya
Mauni Amavasya is considered one of the most auspicious dates in Hinduism. Devotees believe the waters of the holy rivers turn into ‘Amrit’ on this day. Jagatguru Sai Maa Lakshmi Devi explained, “Mauni Amavasya is not only important for us saints but for all Hindus and those who will observe silence on this date for the betterment of their soul and spiritual growth.”
Medical Preparations for the Mahakumbh Mela
To handle potential emergencies, over 1,000 medical professionals were deployed throughout the Mahakumbh area. The government also set up modern medical facilities to cater to both minor and major surgical needs. Additionally, 300 specialist doctors were stationed at a super-specialty hospital in the Mela area to address any urgent medical situations.
The Mahakumbh Mela, held once every 12 years, began on January 13 and will conclude on February 26, with the final day coinciding with Maha Shivaratri.