The police arrested Satpreet Singh, alias Satti, who has been blamed as the lead of a gang of highway robberies and snatchings, after an encounter near Dappar in Lalru. Accused Satpreet Singh, alias Satti, who resides in the village Dandrala in Mohali was taken under custody and lodged at the Lalru police station.
The police recovered a pistol and five live rounds from Satti during the operation. Under his leadership, the gang was notorious for targeting vehicle drivers on the Ambala-Dera Bassi national highway. They orchestrated multiple robberies and snatching incidents, which created a reign of fear across Punjab and Haryana.
According to the officials, the gang’s modus operandi included intercepting a vehicle at a remote area on highways, threatening them, and later making away with their valuables. Satti’s arrest has dealt a severe blow to the organized criminal activities of this region. The police are stepping up investigations to identify and apprehend other members of the gang involved in these crimes.
Authorities have called upon the people to report unusual activities on highways in a bid to improve the situation and ensure security.
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