A tragic incident unfolded in Bengaluru as a 25-year-old married man and his girlfriend allegedly died by suicide due to familial opposition to their relationship, police reported. The bodies of Srikanth from Chunchaghatta, a BCom student, and his college mate Anjana R, 20, from Anjanapura in south Bengaluru, were discovered in Tulasi lake near NICE road on Wednesday, though the incident is suspected to have occurred on July 1.
According to investigators, Srikanth and Anjana, both students at the same college, were in a relationship and wished to marry. However, their families disapproved of their relationship. On July 1, the couple ran away from their homes and are believed to have jumped into the lake.
“Srikanth was already married to another college mate two years ago and was living with her and his parents,” an officer stated. “His wife eventually agreed to his marriage with Anjana after his family was convinced. However, Anjana’s family did not support her, which deeply affected her. Anjana left a note taking sole responsibility for her decision, stating she could not bear to live without Srikanth.”
The police investigation revealed that Srikanth picked up Anjana in his elder brother’s autorickshaw near her home on July 1 and drove towards Tulasi lake. Before their tragic act, they recorded a video on their phones explaining their intentions and sent it to their families. Concerned family members subsequently filed missing person reports, leading to a search that culminated in the recovery of their bodies from the lake.
Authorities have registered a case of unnatural death under section 194 of the Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita (BNNS), mandating police inquiry into and reporting on suicides.
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