Former Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia is set to launch a ‘padyatra’ (foot march outreach) in the capital on Friday, August 16, coinciding with the birthday of jailed Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal. Sisodia, who recently secured bail from the Supreme Court in the Delhi excise policy case, will commence the march from DDA Flats in Kalkaji, located in the Greater Kailash assembly constituency, at 5 pm.

The foot march is part of a broader outreach effort by the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) as they prepare for the upcoming Delhi assembly election, expected to be held in February 2025. Originally scheduled to begin on August 14, the march was postponed due to security concerns related to Independence Day celebrations.

AAP spokesperson and minister Saurabh Bharadwaj explained that the police department suggested postponing the march for security reasons in light of the heightened vigilance surrounding August 15. The party agreed with the advice, viewing it as a prudent decision. Bharadwaj also remarked that it might have been “nature’s plan” for the padyatra to start on Kejriwal’s birthday, noting that although Kejriwal’s birthday falls on Janmashtami according to the Hindi calendar, it is observed on August 16 according to the English calendar.

Sisodia, speaking to ANI, said that the decision to conduct foot marches in every assembly constituency was made after discussions with party leaders. He emphasized that he has no aspirations for any specific position and that his role in the party is determined by Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal. “My role in the party is decided after talking to the party leaders; Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal decides it. Right now, after talking to the party leaders, it has been decided that I will go among the people in every street. I will do ‘padayatras,'” Sisodia stated.

He also expressed his commitment to improving the lives of Delhi’s residents, emphasizing that his focus is on providing quality education, healthcare, and enhancing public transport. Sisodia believes that to achieve these goals, participating in elections is necessary, and he confirmed his intention to run in the upcoming polls.

Sisodia was released from jail on August 9 after spending more than 17 months in custody in connection with the now-scrapped 2021-22 excise policy.