Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Manish Sisodia alleged BJP was conspiring to kill Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and that he will submit a complaint regarding the same to the Election Commission. The Delhi Deputy Chief Minister also demanded that BJP’s Manoj Tiwari be arrested for his “threat” against the AAP national convenor.

“Manoj Tiwari has threatened Kejriwal, which makes it clear that BJP is conspiring to murder Arvind Kejriwal. The way Manoj Tiwari ji has spoken yesterday, it was an open threat that after failing to trap Kejriwal through various attempts has now come to the level of killing him. Manoj Tiwari is asserting for the sake of saying that he (Delhi CM) can be attacked by anyone, how did he know? This needs to be investigated hence will file a complaint with Election Commission and an FIR,” Sisodia said addressing a press conference today.

While responding to Sisodia’s allegations, Tiwari in a press conference said, “that he had only “expressed his concern” for the safety of the Delhi Chief Minister.

“I have only expressed my concern towards Kejriwal’s safety. His MLAs are being beaten and one of the party’s workers has died, the situation is of concern to me. This script of murder and threat to murder by AAP is an old one, only the year changes, their allegations remain same,” Tiwari said.

Manish Sisodia in a tweet said that BJP was scared of losing upcoming elections and hence was conspiring to kill Kejriwal through MP Manoj Tiwari and his “goons”.

“Due to the fear of defeat in Gujarat and MCD elections, BJP is planning to kill Arvind Kejriwal with their MP Manoj Tiwari openly asking his goons to attack Arvind ji. The AAP is not afraid of their petty politics, the public will answer for their hooliganism,” Sisodia tweeted.