The Supreme Court of India has directed the Manipur government to submit a comprehensive report detailing the extent of property damage resulting from the ongoing ethnic violence between the Meitei and Kuki communities. The bench, led by Chief Justice Sanjiv Khanna and Justice Sanjay Kumar, has mandated that this report be presented in a sealed cover and include specifics on properties that have been burned, partially burned, looted, trespassed upon, or encroached. Additionally, the report must provide the names and addresses of the original owners and identify the current occupants.

The court emphasised the necessity for the state to outline the measures taken against individuals who have unlawfully occupied these properties, ensuring that legal actions are pursued appropriately. Furthermore, the Manipur government has been instructed to address concerns raised by the Justice Gita Mittal Committee regarding the allocation of funds for both temporary and permanent housing solutions for those displaced by the violence.

The Supreme Court has scheduled the next hearing on this matter for January 20, 2025. This directive is part of the Court’s ongoing oversight of the situation in Manipur, where ethnic tensions have led to significant unrest. The violence was initially sparked on May 3, 2023, following a rally by the All Tribal Students Union of Manipur (ATSUM) opposing a Manipur High Court directive to consider the inclusion of the Meitei community in the Scheduled Tribes list. The ensuing conflict has resulted in over 160 deaths and widespread displacement, prompting the central government to deploy paramilitary forces to restore order.

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The Supreme Court’s recent order underscores the importance of accountability and transparency in addressing the aftermath of the violence. By seeking detailed information on property damages and the state’s response, the Court aims to ensure that justice is served and that the rights of affected individuals are upheld. The forthcoming report from the Manipur government is expected to shed light on the current situation and the steps being taken to rehabilitate those impacted by the conflict.