In a shocking incident in Mangaluru, Karnataka, two private bus drivers and conductors engaged in a violent altercation on a busy road while passengers were still onboard. The confrontation, which reportedly stemmed from a trivial disagreement over an alleged spitting incident, quickly escalated into a physical fight. Eyewitnesses were horrified as one bus driver brandished a screwdriver, attempting to stab the conductor of the opposing bus, creating chaos among the shocked passengers.
The brawl, captured by the bus’s CCTV cameras, highlights ongoing concerns about the aggressive behavior of private bus staff in the region. Passengers are now urging local authorities and the Regional Transport Office (RTO) to take immediate action to ensure their safety and hold the responsible individuals accountable. Frustration is mounting as residents express discontent with the lack of effective measures to address the reckless driving and intimidating conduct of bus crews in Mangaluru.
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