A man was killed after being run over by an unidentified vehicle in northeast Delhi, police said on Sunday. Police said that they are scanning CCTV cameras in the area to identify the offending vehicle and its driver. “The incident was reported around 5.50 am on Sunday near a road opposite ITI, Nand Nagri,” Deputy Commissioner of Police (northeast) Joy Tirkey said. He added that police received information that a dead body of a man around 26–27 years of age was found. “Prima facie, it looks like a case of hit and run and the offending vehicle and its driver have yet to be identified. So far, no public witness has also been found at the spot,” said the DCP. The police said the identity of the deceased is yet to be ascertained, and the body has been kept at the morgue for identification. Police have registered an FIR into the matter and launched an investigation, said the DCP.