A man who drowned a rat in Budaun, Uttar Pradesh, after attaching it to a brick has been charged under the relevant sections of law. When animal rights activist Vikendra Sharma recorded the entire encounter and reported the perpetrator, Manoj Kumar, the strange episode came to light.
The incident’s video has gone viral on social media.
He had tied a stone to a rat’s tail and drowned it in a drain. The activist entered the ditch to save the rodent in addition to filing the complaint. Unfortunately, the rat eventually passed away.
At the Sadar Kotwali police station, the accused has been charged under IPC Section 429 (mischief by murdering or maiming livestock, etc.) and Section 11 (1) of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act.
According to deputy SP (city) Alok Mishra, the suspect was called to the police station, and the dead rat was taken there for a forensic examination based on the complaint.
He said that the rat was sent to the Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI) in Bareilly after the employees at that location declined to do the examination.
Rats are not considered “animals,” according to the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, but the accused has now been charged with violating the relevant laws.
Manoj will soon receive a notice to appear at the police station to provide a statement.
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