Police in Ludhiana’s Gill village have arrested a man for allegedly killing his girlfriend. The accused, identified as Jasveer Singh alias Jassi, had an illicit relationship with the victim, Sandeep Kaur, who was divorced and had a 13-year-old daughter. According to police, Jasveer Singh is also married with two children.

Jasveer Singh allegedly used a sharp object to kill Sandeep Kaur. The police found her body in a vacant plot located in Ring Road City in Gill village, Ludhiana. “The accused murdered the girl with a sharp weapon on August 4. The body was recovered from a vacant plot in Ring Road City, Gill village, Ludhiana. During the investigation, the police identified the accused and arrested him within about six hours,” said ADCP Zone 2 Dev Singh.

The police reported that Jasveer Singh suspected his girlfriend of talking to another person and wanted to prevent her from going to Canada. On August 4, he allegedly made her sit in his car after picking her up from a religious place and later murdered her. The police have recovered the car used in the crime, the sharp weapon, and the girl’s Activa scooter.

In a separate incident in Maharashtra’s Palghar, a 43-year-old married man allegedly killed his girlfriend by drowning her in a tub of water. The accused, Manohan Ravi Shankar Shukla, a resident of Vasai, was arrested. After the murder, Shukla reportedly stuffed the woman’s body into a suitcase and disposed of it in the Pardi area of Gujarat.

The victim, identified as Nayana Mahat (28), had previously filed a rape case against Shukla at the Waliv and Virar police stations. According to the police, the accused had threatened and pressured the woman to withdraw the case. When she refused, he allegedly killed her by drowning her in a tub of water.

These two incidents highlight the tragic outcomes of illicit relationships and the severe consequences of unresolved personal conflicts. The police in both cases acted swiftly to arrest the accused and are continuing their investigations.