West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee held a meeting on Thursday to address issues related to hawkers and encroachment in the state. The meeting, which took place at Nabanna Sabhaghar, included all concerned officials. Banerjee emphasized that the livelihoods of vendors are a top priority and assured that their stalls will not be demolished but instead will be rehabilitated.

“We will talk to the hawkers committee in Kolkata and work on hawkers’ rehabilitation. Carts of state color will be provided to keep their goods. There should be a dedicated building with fire-fighting arrangements near the markets. This system will be implemented in every district,” said the Chief Minister.

She also mentioned that despite reports of fire incidents in Bada Bazaar, no renovations have taken place. A list of all markets will be compiled, ensuring that nobody’s livelihood is taken away. “I don’t believe in providing spaces by extorting money and then running bulldozers over them. Hawkers should be given proper places to sit without encroaching on irrigation canals. The UDMA secretary will visit every district and prepare a report on how hawkers will be accommodated,” she added.

Earlier on Monday, CM Banerjee chaired a meeting with the Howrah Municipal Corporation, highlighting that the city is grappling with encroachment issues. She directed Howrah Police and the State Chief Secretary to investigate the encroachment on government land and promised action against those responsible.

She pointed out that encroachment is a significant problem, with people occupying spaces as soon as they become vacant, often involving financial transactions. Focusing on Howrah, the CM noted that the city is full of illegal constructions and lacks proper drainage systems.