The recent allegation of Swati Maliwal being assaulted at Delhi CM Kejriwal’s residence has added to the political troubles faced by the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and has also created a dilemma for the Congress party, especially ahead of the Lok Sabha elections. While Priyanka Gandhi has addressed the issue, other Congress leaders have chosen to remain silent, indicating the complexity of the situation. The registration of the case by the police has intensified the matter, with emerging reports suggesting that Kejriwal’s challenges will only escalate further.

This development is expected to impact the remaining phases of the elections, especially in key constituencies like Rae Bareli and Amethi. In Amethi, senior BJP leader Smriti Irani is likely to capitalize on the issue, potentially influencing voter sentiments.

AAP finds itself embroiled in the Maliwal case, with conflicting statements from party leaders further complicating the situation. While Sanjay Singh acknowledged misconduct against Swati Maliwal, AAP leader Atishi accused the BJP of orchestrating the entire affair. Kejriwal’s absence from the meeting with Swati, despite their close association, raises questions, especially given Swati’s senior position within the party.

The unfolding developments in the Maliwal case are expected to become a significant issue in the upcoming elections, particularly in states like Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, and Punjab. The BJP is likely to leverage this matter to target both AAP and Congress, with a focus on states where elections are underway.

Congress is taking steps to distance itself from AAP, indicating that it may campaign independently in Delhi. However, concerns remain, especially in Punjab and other states where both parties are contesting. As campaigning intensifies in Rae Bareli and Amethi, political tensions are expected to escalate further, particularly in Delhi and Punjab.